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A little while ago, I put out a request to my fellow dames to help with blog content. There is only one of me and quite a few of Us. I want all of us to be represented in one shape or form in our web and blog. We are all different but we have enough things in common to bring us together and for us to learn from one another. We are not alone, despite how we may feel.

Today's feature comes from Serenity Redharp (She chose to remain anonymous) and she explains that putting pen to paper during difficult times helps sort out the thoughts in her head. To give a little context, she advises that she's been through a lot in the last few years. She has grown as a person and has learned she her own voice to speak with and with that, came some realizations she was not expecting.

During our conversation she explained that when she said 'I do', she expected things to last for ever but after a decade of being with the same person she's come to realize it is a lot harder said than done. This is something my folks always told me. "love is not enough" You can love a person dearly, but ultimately, it will not be enough. See, we don't stop growing when we reach adult hood. We will not one day, suddenly, become old and bent with age. It is a gradual thing. Our personalities continue to evolve and this is a trap a lot of long-term couples fall into. We grow complacent, content with having a person with us and slowly, we take them for granted (and vice versa). Sometimes, that realization comes too late.

The goal of a long term couple is to grow together, but sometimes, we become so hyperfocused on the end-result we miss out on the now and like an untended topiary, grow separate ways. Our lives are composed of a revolving door of relationships and they will ALL end. Let it be because one partner dies, one moves on or both choose to go their separate ways, all relationships end at one point or another.

Serenity goes on to say she penned the following poem the moment she realized she had to move on from her marriage. The prospect of going back into the dating field is both thrilling and petrifying She hopes to share this journey with us along the way.


Art and poem by: Serenity Redharp


Shattered pieces on the ground;

Hopes and dreams left all around.

Our path it split way down the road;

I weep for things I'll never get back.

Friendship, trust,

companionship and lust;

All these things that made up us.

We built so much just us together;

Thinking we were meant for forever.

Now I stand, eat pressed to this closed door;

Wishing we could hold each other, just once more.

But instead, here I lay broken;

Fighting and mistrust leaving these wounds open.

How could this happen?

Maybe it's obvious;

But I broke your heart trying to save us.

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